- age (presbycusis)
- ambiguous word meaning
- anterograde amnesia
- associative meanings
- associative vs. nonassociative
- attenuation reflex
- auditory word recognition
- basilar membrane
- bone conduction
- bony labyrinth
- bundles
- chemicals
- cilia
- cochlea
- cochlear duct
- cochlear nuclei
- concentric structure
- cover your ears
- db
- declarative (explicit) memory
- dominant side
- ear drum
- earwax
- endolymph
- episodic vs. semantic memory
- Eustachian tube
- face perception
- fluent aphasia
- fluid pressure
- frequency map
- fusiform gyrus = faces
- gamma waves
- gibberish
- hallucination 12-30 Hz
- harmony
- hearing loss
- incus
- ineraural level
- inferior colliculi
- inferior temporal gyrus
- inner ear
- interaural time difference
- jargon aphasia
- lateral superior olive (LSO)
- leaves ruffling
- left auditory cortex of schiz.
- lingual gyrus
- location of sounds
- malleus
- maps for vision & hearing
- medial = toward median; toward middle
- medial geniculate nuclie (MGN)
- medial superior olive (MSO)
- medial temporal lobe
- melody
- membranous labyrinth
- middle ear (otitis media)
- mimicking words
- multiple sounds
- natural-sounding rhythm
- noise
- non-dominant side
- nonverbal sound problems
- Organ of Corti
- ossicular chain
- oval window
- overall experience
- parahippocampal = scenes
- perilymph (similar to cerebral spinal fluid)
- pinna (pinnae) – visible ear
- pitch
- pons
- pre-amplifier
- pressure valve
- primary auditory cortex
- pseudo-hexagonal symmetry
- quiet suburbia
- receptive aphasia
- rhythm
- round window
- secondary auditory cortex
- segmenting streams
- semantic memory
- sound localization
- spatial memory
- speaking voice
- spiral organ
- spiral-shaped tube
- stapes
- stereocilia
- subordinate meanings
- superior colliculi
- superior olivary complex
- superior temporal lobe
- swimmer’s ear (otitis externa)
- syntax
- tertiary auditory cortex
- tonotopic map
- tonotopically organized
- tympanic membrane
- ventral = toward the tummy
- ventral area of temporal lobe
- ventral cochlear nucleus
- ventral stream
- vestibulocochlear nerve
- Wernicke’s Area
- word recognition
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