- abstract thinking
- addictions
- affective value of reinforcers
- alcoholics
- Alzheimer’s disease
- American Crowbar Case
- amygdala
- anterior cingulate cortex
- anticipation of tasks
- bad decks and good decks
- cocaine
- cocaine withdrawal
- compulsive behavior
- corpus collosum
- Counting-Stroop Task
- decision making
- disinhibited behavior
- dopaminergic activation of reward circuits
- dorsolateral region of prefrontal cortex
- drive
- electrophysiological marker
- emotion regulation
- empathy
- Eriksen Flanker Task
- error detection
- error-related negativity (ERN)
- executive processes
- Faux pas Test
- frontal lobes
- galvanic skin response (GSR)
- hippocampus
- hypersexuality
- impulse control
- impulsivity
- intentionality
- Iowa Gambling Task
- lateralization of function
- lesions
- M1
- monitoring conflict
- mood
- motivation
- neurofibrer tangles
- nucleus accumbens
- obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
- orbitofrontal region of prefrontal cortex
- Phineas Gage
- prefrontal cortex
- premotor cortex
- protracted withdrawal
- reinforcement learning ERN
- reversal learning
- reward anticipation
- reward expectation
- reward-based learning theory
- salience of emotion
- sensory integration
- sleep deprivation inhibits activity here
- social adjustment
- Stroop Effect
- Stroop Task
- top-down processing
- truth telling
- ventralmedial region of prefrontal cortex
- virtual decks of cards
- visual discrimination test
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