- 9×9 pixel bit map
- ablation
- acetylcholine
- amnesia
- amygdala
- anterior cingulate cortex
- anterograde amnesia
- basal ganglia
- bilateral
- bilateral damage
- coma
- competition vs cooperation
- componential encoding
- conditioned responses
- confusion
- consolidation
- corpus collosum
- cortisol
- declarative memory (things you know)
- delayed-response task
- dyslexic children
- epilepsy
- epinephrine
- episodic memory (life story of events)
- fabric identification task
- fast transmission (myelinated)
- fear learning
- generalized seizure
- genu = anterior (knee)
- ginkgo biloba
- habit learning
- hemisphere independence
- hippocampus
- HM
- implicit memory
- Jacuzzi
- lateralization of function
- left hemisphere
- long term memory (LTM)
- matching-to-sample task
- memory formation
- memory loss
- mirror drawing task
- motor learning
- neurotransmitters
- non-declarative memory
- nonmatching-to-sample task
- priming
- procedural memory
- prospective memory
- recall
- reconsolidation
- rehearsal
- retrograde amnesia = before
- right hemisphere
- rotating disk task
- seizures
- semantic dementia
- semantic memories
- semantic memory (names and facts)
- sexual dimorphism
- short term memory (STM)
- sparse encoding
- spatial memory
- spatially tuned
- splenium = posterior portion
- split-brain people
- temporal lobe cortex
- truncus = middle (body)
- ventralmedial area of prefrontal cortex of frontal lobe
- working memory
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