- Psychotic disorders
- “The Schizophrenias”
- 1% incidence
- More likely in US & Europe
- 10 to 100 times
- Slightly more common in men
- Earlier onset, more severe
- Originally: dementia praecox
- Eugen Bleuler called it schizophrenia in 1911
- Starts as teens or early adult
- Typical onset 16 to 30
- Uncommon onset over 45
- Symptoms vary
- Seem OK until share thoughts
- Sit without moving…for hours
- Episodes
- Typical: not more than 6 weeks
- Symptoms come & go
- Hallucinations
- Lasts a few days
- Feel agitated
- Delusions
- Lasts a few months
- Range of severity
- Hospitalized
- Meaningful lives in communities
- 3-Factor Model
- Disorganized thinking
- Distorted thinking
- Delusions & hallucinations
- Disconnected mind-motor
- Spontaneous movement
- Fluid speech
- Self control
- Positive symptoms
- Unique to schizophrenia
- Not schiz without them
- Delusions
- Unusual false beliefs
- Martians are controlling me
- Reading my mind
- Thought insertion
- “I killed someone”
- Behavior controlled by
- People on TV or movies
- Special messages
- Magnetic waves
- Aliens
- Believe you are someone else
- Often historical person
- Someone out to get you
- Paranoid delusions
- Spying, plotting, cheating
- Unusual false beliefs
- Hallucinations
- False sensory experiences
- See things not there
- See invisible objects or people
- Hear voices not there
- Voices are most common
- Hear multiple voices
- Talk to invisible person
- Voices talk to each other
- Feel invisible fingers touching
- Smells
- See things not there
- False sensory experiences
- Thought disorders
- 1. Disorganized thinking
- organizing thoughts
- connecting thoughts
- garbled talk
- 2. Thought blocking
- Stop in middle of thought
- Feel thought taken out head
- 3. Nonsense words
- Neologisms = new words
- Disorganized speech
- Rambling sentences
- Incoherent patterns
- 1. Disorganized thinking
- Movement disorders
- Agitated movements
- Repeat motions over and over
- Catatonic = immobility
- Rare—treated with drugs
- Unique to schizophrenia
- Negative symptoms
- Occur in other disorders
- Flat affect
- face immobile
- monotonous voice
- Similar to brain damage
- poor control of eye movements
- unusual facial expressions
- Negative = lack of
- Lack of pleasure
- Lack initiative & planning
- Poor hygiene
- Lack of persistence
- Social withdrawal
- Poverty of speech
- Lacks fluidity of speech
- Words don’t flow
- Don’t talk much
- Even when forced
- Cognitive symptoms
- Difficult to notice
- Executive functioning
- Trouble switching tasks
- Trouble paying attention
- Trouble with working memory
- Disturbed emotions
- Hyperemotional
- Depressed
- Flat affect (no emotion)
- Abnormalities of perception
- Schizophrenic Art
- No foreground-background diff
- Obsessed with certain objects (skulls)
- Emotionally distant
- Dark silhouettes
- Watchful eyes
- Fragments
- Characteristic of LSD
- Schizophrenic Art
- Types of Schizophrenia
- 1. Disorganized
- “Hebephrenic schizophrenia”
- Inappropriate thoughts & behavior
- Don’t make sense
- Severe
- Can’t do routine daily activities
- bathing & meal prep
- Hard to understand what say
- Frustration, agitation, anger
- 2. Catatonic
- Extremes
- Coma-like daze
- or
- Talk in bizarre-hyperactive way
- May last month+
- Easily treated with drugs
- Can be caused by non-schiz
- 3. Paranoid
- Delusions
- Someone trying to harm you
- Hear voices plotting
- Not as many memory problems
- Okay concentration
- Handle daily life okay
- Suicide risk
- Delusions
- 4. Undifferentiated
- Not meet all criteria
- Miscellaneous
- Junk term
- 1. Disorganized
- Causes of Schizophrenia
- Genetics
- Heritability
- Runs in families
- Environmental trigger?
- Old egg-sperm theory
- Older parents more schiz children
- Children of schiz patients
- Less than ½ become schiz
- Inherit susceptibility to environmental factors?
- People without family history can develop schizophrenia
- Heritability
- Genetics
- Why likely genetic component
- Men & women about equal
- Men slightly more
- Men have earlier onset
- Men have more severity
- About 1% worldwide
- Men & women about equal
- Runs in families
- 1% in general population
- 10% when parent or sibling
- 15% in fraternal twin
- 50% when identical twin
- Pure genetic effect = 100%
- greatest environmental similarity
- monozygote
- Adopted Children
- 12.5% siblings in same environ.
- None adopted had schiz
- Correlated factors
- Women with schizophrenia
- drink & smoke during preg?
- Not one single gene
- 10+ genes are more common in schizophrenics
- DISC1 gene
- (disrupted in schizophrenia 1)
- Controls production of dendritic spines
- Controls generation of new neurons in hippocampus
- Other genes linked to
- brain development
- glutamate synapses
- hippocampus & prefrontal cortex connections
- Combo
- Dopamine hypothesis
- Over-activity of DA synapses
- In mesolimbic pathway?
- DA agonists-antagonist effects
- All treatment drugs block DA receptors
- Chlorpromazine
- Originally used to prevent surgical shock
- Dramatically effective
- Reduces symptoms of schizophrenia
- DA agonists cause schiz sympts
- Cocaine
- Amphetamine
- Elation, euphoria
- Similar to start schiz. episode
- Paranoid delusions
- Maybe caused by increased DA input to amygdala
- involved with emotional responses for aversive events
- Clozapine
- atypical antipsychotic drug
- blocks D4 receptors
- in nucleus accumbens
- Part of the reward circuit
- Maybe caused by increased DA input to amygdala
- Caused by excess activity at some dopamine synapses
- Evidenced by
- Drugs that help
- Drugs that aggravate
- Aggravaters
- Cocaine
- Amphetamine
- Dopamine not cleaned up?
- Schiz have twice as many D2 receptors occupied by dopamine as normal
- Evidenced by
- Dopamine not sole cause
- Drugs that block dopamine receptors
- do so immediately
- but effects on behavior build up
- gradually over 2 or 3 weeks
- Drugs that block dopamine receptors
- Glutamate Hypothesis
- Caused by poor glutamate functioning
- dopamine inhibits glutamate
- Mixed evidence
- Release less glutamate
- in prefrontal cortex & hippocampus
- have fewer glutamate receptors
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
- blocks NMDA glutamate receptors
- produces symptoms similar to schiz
- induces both negative and positive symptoms
- Doesn’t produce psychosis in preadolescents
- produces more severe symptoms than schiz
- Release less glutamate
- Risky to increase glutamate
- Too widely used
- Don’t stimulate directly
- Working on glycine
- amino acid
- enhances NMDA effects
- not effective antipsychotic
- increases antipsychotics effects
- Caused by poor glutamate functioning
- Brain Abnormalities
- MRI & CT studies
- Found loss of brain tissue in patients with schizophrenia
- Ventricles
- Relative size of lateral ventricles
- 2+ size of control subjects
- Mild Brain Abnormalities
- Less than average gray matter
- Larger than average ventricles
- Smaller thalamus
- Left hemisphere slightly larger
- Worst in
- Left temporal lobe & frontal lobe
- Immature or poorly developed
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- Deficits in memory & attention
- Smaller cell bodies
- in frontal cortex & hippocampus
- Environmental Causes
- Famine during pregnancy
- (especially thiamine deficiency)
- Famine during pregnancy
- Left temporal lobe & frontal lobe
- MRI & CT studies
- Predictors
- More likely if mother underweight
- More likely if low birth-weight
- More likely if Rh incompatible
- Nneurodevelopmental hypothesis
- Schiz caused by abnormalities to nervous system during prenatal or neonatal periods
- Prenatal and Neonatal
- Mother’s nutrition
- Premature birth
- Low birth weight
- Complications during delivery
- Rh-negative & baby Rh-positive
- may trigger immunological rejection by mother
- hearing deficits
- mental retardation
- twice usual probability of schiz
- 2%
- Season-of-birth effect
- Winter, slightly greater
- Nutrition
- viral infections
- fever and influenza
- Infections
- Flu (or other viral illness)
- More likely if born during late winter and early spring
- More likely in cities than countryside
- More likely far from equator
- Decreased winter temp?
- Childhood infections
- Such as toxoplasma gondii
- memory disorders, hallucinations, and delusions
- bacteria only reproduces in cats
- more likely to have a pet cat
- Such as toxoplasma gondii
- Diagnosis of Schizophrenia
- Confused with drug abuse
- Can’t show abuse causes schiz
- More likely to abuse drugs
- Self medication
- Makes treatment less effective
- Prodromal = pre-symptoms
- Self-isolation
- Increased unusual thoughts
- Increased suspicions
- Family history of schiz
- Self-diagnosis as bipolar
- Or something “less sever”
- Drugs can help-hurt
- Some drugs make it worse
- Marijuana
- Amphetamines
- Cocaine
- Smoking
- 3x likely addicted to nicotine
- 90% in schiz
- Schiz worse during withdrawal
- Some drugs make it better
- Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
- 1st drug successful
- Antipsychotic drugs
- Primarily work by blocking dopamine receptors
- Phenothiazines
- class of neuroleptic drugs
- includes chlorpromazine
- Try several medications
- Not all work the same for all
- Best combination, right dose
- Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
- Relapse
- Stop taking meds
- Feel better, think don’t need
- Interact with other drugs
- Interact with alcohol
- Antipsychotic medications
- Available since mid-1950’s
- Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
- Haloperidol (Haldol)
- Perphenazine (Etrafon)
- Fluphenazine (Prolixin)
- Available since mid-1990’s
- “atypical” antipsychotics
- Clozapine (Clozaril)
- psychotic symptoms
- Hallucinations; breaks with reality
- Side effect for clozapine
- Agranulocytosis = loss of white blood cells
- Risperidone (Risperdal)
- Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
- Quetiapine (Seroquel)
- Ziprasidone (Geodon)
- Aripiprazole (Abilify)
- Paliperidone (Invega)
- Available since mid-1950’s
- Old & new ones about equally effective
- Side effects
- Worse when start
- Last few days for most
- Dizzy when changing positions
- Blurred vision
- Drowsiness
- Rapid heartbeat
- Sensitivity to the sun
- Skin rashes
- Major weight gain
- Rigidity of joints
- Muscle spasms
- Restlessness
- Tremors
- Tardive dyskinesia
- Caused by long term use
- Can’t control mouth muscles
- Tremors & involuntary move
- Caused by prolonged blocking of dopamine receptors in basal ganglia
- Antipsychotic medications
- Usually in pill or liquid form
- Some are shots given monthly
- New Drugs
- Atypical medications
- Mesolimbocortical system
- Where antipsychotics impact?
- Set of neurons
- Project from midbrain tegmentum to limbic system
- Don’t cause movement problems
- Less intense effects on dopamine type D2 receptors
- Stronger effects at D4 and serotonin 5-HT2 receptors
- More effective?
- Better with positive symptom
- Not so much with negative
- Don’t improve overall quality of life any better
- Long-term drug treatment
- Antipsychotic drugs not cure
- Don’t fully treat condition
- Don’t work for 1/3 of patients
- Serious side effects
- Similar symptoms to Parkinson’s disease
- Slow movement, lack of facial expression, general weakness
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