- adrenal medulla
- aerosol spray propellant
- affinity
- agitation
- alcohol
- alcohol abuse
- alcoholism
- amphetamines
- analeptics
- angel dust
- anxiety
- barbituates
- benzodiazepines
- binding
- blocking
- brain damage
- caffeine
- chronic pain
- cocaine
- codeine
- concentrations
- deadly nightshade
- deliriants
- depressants
- depression
- dissociatives
- distribution
- dopamine
- downer
- effects
- elevated mood
- embalming fluid = cigarette dipped in PCP
- euphoria
- genetic predisposition
- go pills
- gradual onset
- grandiose ideas
- half-life
- hallucinations
- hallucinogenics
- hangovers
- heroin
- inhaled
- inhibit reuptake
- intoxicated
- ionotropic receptors
- jimson weed
- jitters
- ketamine
- laughing gas or sweet air
- maintenance drug
- mandrake
- marijuana
- methadone
- morphine
- natural opiates
- nicotine
- nicotinic receptor
- nitrous oxide
- NMDA receptors
- nutmeg
- obsessive behaviors
- opioids
- out of body experience
- oxycodone
- pain relief
- paranoia
- physiological addiction
- psychedelics
- psychological dependence
- rebound depression-anxiety
- risk factors
- Schedule I drug
- Schedule II drug
- schizophrenia-like symptoms
- sedatives
- seizures
- semi-synthetic opiates
- sensation seeking
- serotonin
- social isolation
- sons of alcoholic mothers
- stimulants
- street names
- stupor
- suicidal impulses & thoughts
- suicides
- synthetic opiates
- tolerance
- toxic levels
- transcendent relaxation
- treatment-resistant
- Type A (Type I)
- Type B (Type II)
- uppers
- vapor
- vasoconstriction
- withdrawal
- withdrawal symptoms
- world’s most widely used drug
- xanthine
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