- active transport system
- adrenal medulla
- alcohol
- anti-convulsive
- antidepressant drugs
- antisaccade task
- apoptosis
- astrocytes
- asymmetrical division
- basal ganglia
- birth defects
- Blood-Brain Barrier
- brain injury
- capillary walls
- chemical gradients (Sperry, 1943)
- chemical guidance
- chemical pathfinding (Weiss, 1924)
- chicken pox-shingles
- close transfer
- closed head injury
- common blood supply
- concentrations
- concept of straight
- conception
- concussion
- confusion
- congenital varicella syndrome
- cortex differentiation
- critical periods
- dead
- dendritic branching
- differentiation
- dopamine for Parkinson’s
- ectoderm forms a plate
- endothelial cells
- enriched environments
- enrichment
- far transfer
- fetal alcohol syndrome
- fetal hydantoin syndrome
- forebrain
- founder cells
- head injury
- headaches
- hindbrain
- homeostasi
- hypertension
- hypothalamus
- implantation
- infectious disease
- Inferior collicui = hearing
- inflammation
- irritability
- ketones
- malnutrition
- microwaves & radiation
- midbrain
- migration
- musician’s cramp
- myelination
- near transfer
- neural Darwinism
- neural tube
- neurotrophins
- newborn period
- open head injury
- pathfinding
- pregnancy
- primitive streak
- proliferation
- radial glial cells
- semi-permeable
- skull fracture
- stem cells
- stiff neck
- superior colliculi = vision
- symmetrical division
- synapse elimination
- synapse formation
- synaptogenesis
- teratogens
- train the brain
- transfer
- undifferentiated
- unequal pupil size
- varicella (chickenpox)
- writer’s cramp
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