Vision starts with the eyes, goes through the thalamus cluster and ends in the occipital lobe.
Brain Development
The spine and brain develop quickly but are so intricate that it takes a long time to complete the process.
Note to self: Please put more here!
Nervous Systems
Nerves are collections of neurons. Chains and collections of neurons are nerves.
The basics of biological psychology is the neuron. Nerves are collections of neurons and the brain is an accumulation of millions of neurons.
Note to self: Please put more here!
- At Neuron Terminal
- Depolarization
- Cause calcium gates open
- Calcium flows into terminal
- NT is released within 1-2 milliseconds
- Thousands of synapses along neuron
- Three types of many
- Axon-soma
- Axon-dendrite
- Axon-axon
- Axon-Soma (axosomatic)
- Usually inhibitory
- Axon-Dendrite
- Chemical
4 Stages
- Release the chemical
- Pre-synapse
- Release & Diffusion
- release of NT thru membrane
- Exocytosis: lasts 1-2 ms
- Cross 20 to 30 nanometers
- About 0.01 ms
- Opposite of endocytosis
- Cells absorb protein molecules
- Most release only 1 NT
- If 2-3, always the same combo (typically)
- Float across synapse
- Diffusion
- Bind with receptors
- Not just anyone
- Matching key
- Nicotinic receptors
- Activated by nicotine
- Blocked by curare
- Clean up gap
- Destroy leftovers
- (deactivation)
- Recycle (reuptake)
- After action potential
- After exciting or inhibiting
- Inactivation
- broken down by an enzyme
- Acetylcholine broken down by
- acetylcholinesterase
- Reuptake
- detach from the receptor
- taken back by presynaptic cell
- Transporters
- Serotonin is reuptaken
Relative Size
- Sheet of paper 100k nm
- Hair 40knm
- Red blood cell 7k nm
- Bacteria 5k nm
- Virus 30-50 nm
- Ultraviolet light 40 nm
- Synapses 40 nm
- Cell membrane 10 nm
- DNA 2.5 nm
Fill the gap with chemicals
Gap junction
- 10x closer than synapse
- 4nm
- .0004 milimeter
ionotropic effects
- quick start (10 ms)
- short duration (30 ms)
- Quick events
- visual stimulation
- muscle movements
- localized effect on membrane
- opens gates for ions
- e.g., acetylcholine
- Most common NT
- glutamate (excitatory)
- GABA (inhibitory)
Metabotropic Effects
- slow start (30 m)
- can last for hours
- has broad impact
- Can affect most of cell
- Opens-closes ion channels
- change protein production
- activate chromosomes
- Activated G-protein
- inside membrane
- G-protein activates 2nd message
- G-proteins: Little protein sits close to receptor
- coupled to GTP (guanosine triphosphate)
- energy-storing molecule
- Changing cell potential
- G-protein to change shape
- Part of G breaks off
- binds to an ion channel
- G-proteins
- Can also activate enzymes
- Enzymes cause production of second messenger
Summation (integration)
- neuron can receive input from 1000+ cells
- each input either excites or inhibits
- interaction between incoming
- EPSP’s (excitation)
- IPSP’s (inhibition)
- Two types of summation
- Spatial
- Temporal summation
- acetylcholine & acetylcholinesterase
- inhibitory effect
- axon-dendrite
- axon-soma (axosomatic)
- binding
- endocytosis & exocytosis
- a = ionotrophic
- b = metabotropic
- glutamate-glutamine cycle
- GABA-glutamine cycle
- too many GABA transporters
- G-protein work
- EPSP (excitation)
- Used as an enzyme
- (adenosine triphosphate)
- cascade of reactions
- catecholamines
- Ionotropic effects
- Metabotropic effects
- Charles Sherrington = reflexes require integrated activation & reciprocal innervation of muscles
- nicotinic receptor
- Chem $: receptor protein
- Muscular contraction
- acetylcholine
- nicotine
- reflex arc
- What happens if reuptake occurs too quickly?
- What happens if binding lasts too long?
- How does spatial summation compare to temporal summation?
- Diagnosed 1-3 years old
- Symptoms by 18 months
- Seek help ~24 months
- Generally
- Vary from moderate to severe
- Not startle at loud noises
- Heightened response to sounds
- Miss language milestones:
- Babbling by 12 months
- Wave bye-bye by 12 months
- Say single words by 16 months
- 2-word phrases by 24 months (not just echoing)
- Boys more than girls
- Symptoms
- Overly sensitive to $
- Refuse to wear “itchy” clothes
- Distress if routines changed
- Repeated body movements
- Unusual attachment to objects
- Difficulty with pretend play
- Lack of empathy
- Causes
- Unknown
- Genetics
- identical twins are much more likely than fraternal twins
- Relatives more like to have:
- Language abnormalities
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Diet?
- Some parents try:
- Gluten-free diet
- Casein-free diet (milk-cheese)
- Mercury poisoning?
- Inability to properly use vitamins and minerals?
- Vaccines are not the cause
- Single-dose forms
- Don’t contain added mercury
- Mirror Neurons in Autism
- No empathy
- Types
- Asperger’s (good language skills)
- Rett syndome (for girls)
- Generally includes:
- Childhood disintegrative disorder
- Learn and then lose skills
- Atypical (misc.)
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