The basics of biological psychology is the neuron. Nerves are collections of neurons and the brain is an accumulation of millions of neurons.
Note to self: Please put more here!
- At Neuron Terminal
- Depolarization
- Cause calcium gates open
- Calcium flows into terminal
- NT is released within 1-2 milliseconds
- Thousands of synapses along neuron
- Three types of many
- Axon-soma
- Axon-dendrite
- Axon-axon
- Axon-Soma (axosomatic)
- Usually inhibitory
- Axon-Dendrite
- Chemical
4 Stages
- Release the chemical
- Pre-synapse
- Release & Diffusion
- release of NT thru membrane
- Exocytosis: lasts 1-2 ms
- Cross 20 to 30 nanometers
- About 0.01 ms
- Opposite of endocytosis
- Cells absorb protein molecules
- Most release only 1 NT
- If 2-3, always the same combo (typically)
- Float across synapse
- Diffusion
- Bind with receptors
- Not just anyone
- Matching key
- Nicotinic receptors
- Activated by nicotine
- Blocked by curare
- Clean up gap
- Destroy leftovers
- (deactivation)
- Recycle (reuptake)
- After action potential
- After exciting or inhibiting
- Inactivation
- broken down by an enzyme
- Acetylcholine broken down by
- acetylcholinesterase
- Reuptake
- detach from the receptor
- taken back by presynaptic cell
- Transporters
- Serotonin is reuptaken
Relative Size
- Sheet of paper 100k nm
- Hair 40knm
- Red blood cell 7k nm
- Bacteria 5k nm
- Virus 30-50 nm
- Ultraviolet light 40 nm
- Synapses 40 nm
- Cell membrane 10 nm
- DNA 2.5 nm
Fill the gap with chemicals
Gap junction
- 10x closer than synapse
- 4nm
- .0004 milimeter
ionotropic effects
- quick start (10 ms)
- short duration (30 ms)
- Quick events
- visual stimulation
- muscle movements
- localized effect on membrane
- opens gates for ions
- e.g., acetylcholine
- Most common NT
- glutamate (excitatory)
- GABA (inhibitory)
Metabotropic Effects
- slow start (30 m)
- can last for hours
- has broad impact
- Can affect most of cell
- Opens-closes ion channels
- change protein production
- activate chromosomes
- Activated G-protein
- inside membrane
- G-protein activates 2nd message
- G-proteins: Little protein sits close to receptor
- coupled to GTP (guanosine triphosphate)
- energy-storing molecule
- Changing cell potential
- G-protein to change shape
- Part of G breaks off
- binds to an ion channel
- G-proteins
- Can also activate enzymes
- Enzymes cause production of second messenger
Summation (integration)
- neuron can receive input from 1000+ cells
- each input either excites or inhibits
- interaction between incoming
- EPSP’s (excitation)
- IPSP’s (inhibition)
- Two types of summation
- Spatial
- Temporal summation
- acetylcholine & acetylcholinesterase
- inhibitory effect
- axon-dendrite
- axon-soma (axosomatic)
- binding
- endocytosis & exocytosis
- a = ionotrophic
- b = metabotropic
- glutamate-glutamine cycle
- GABA-glutamine cycle
- too many GABA transporters
- G-protein work
- EPSP (excitation)
- Used as an enzyme
- (adenosine triphosphate)
- cascade of reactions
- catecholamines
- Ionotropic effects
- Metabotropic effects
- Charles Sherrington = reflexes require integrated activation & reciprocal innervation of muscles
- nicotinic receptor
- Chem $: receptor protein
- Muscular contraction
- acetylcholine
- nicotine
- reflex arc
- What happens if reuptake occurs too quickly?
- What happens if binding lasts too long?
- How does spatial summation compare to temporal summation?
- Diagnosed 1-3 years old
- Symptoms by 18 months
- Seek help ~24 months
- Generally
- Vary from moderate to severe
- Not startle at loud noises
- Heightened response to sounds
- Miss language milestones:
- Babbling by 12 months
- Wave bye-bye by 12 months
- Say single words by 16 months
- 2-word phrases by 24 months (not just echoing)
- Boys more than girls
- Symptoms
- Overly sensitive to $
- Refuse to wear “itchy” clothes
- Distress if routines changed
- Repeated body movements
- Unusual attachment to objects
- Difficulty with pretend play
- Lack of empathy
- Causes
- Unknown
- Genetics
- identical twins are much more likely than fraternal twins
- Relatives more like to have:
- Language abnormalities
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Diet?
- Some parents try:
- Gluten-free diet
- Casein-free diet (milk-cheese)
- Mercury poisoning?
- Inability to properly use vitamins and minerals?
- Vaccines are not the cause
- Single-dose forms
- Don’t contain added mercury
- Mirror Neurons in Autism
- No empathy
- Types
- Asperger’s (good language skills)
- Rett syndome (for girls)
- Generally includes:
- Childhood disintegrative disorder
- Learn and then lose skills
- Atypical (misc.)
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