- abulia
- acetylcholine activator drugs
- acquired apraxia
- acute onset
- allochria
- Alzheimer’s
- amyloid protein
- aneurysms = ballooning region
- anticoagulation drugs
- aphasia
- apolipoprotein E
- apraxia
- Apraxia of speech
- arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
- artial fibrillation
- aspirin
- ataxia
- automatic-voluntary dissociation
- Balint’s syndrome
- blocked-clogged arteries
- blood thinners
- Broca’s area
- buccofacial
- cerebellum
- cerebral embolism (stroke)
- chromosome 1 & 14
- chromosome 10 & 19
- chromosome 21
- clumsy
- cocaine
- conceptual apraxia
- confused thinking
- constraint-induced movement therapy
- construction
- CT scan
- dementia
- diabetes mellitus
- Down’s syndrome
- endarterectomy
- fluent aphasia
- gait apraxia
- genetic components
- global
- headache
- hemorrhagic stroke
- high blood pressure
- homocysteine
- ideational
- ideomotor apraxia
- inability to understand language
- inappropriate emotional response
- inconsistent articulation errors
- inter-neuron plaque
- inverted T-wave
- ischemic stroke
- late onset
- limb-kinetic
- Mediterranean diet
- memory
- memory disorders
- memory loss
- motor planning
- non-fluent aphasia
- ocular apraxia
- optic ataxia
- orofacial apraxia
- plaque
- primary progressive aphasia
- progressive disease
- saccade moves
- simultanagnosia
- statins
- stroke
- stroke risk factors
- stroke symptoms
- Tau protein
- telegraphic speech
- thrombotic stroke
- transicent ischemic attack
- traumatic brain injury
- unrecognizable words
- violence
- Wernicke aphasia
- Yoruba people of Nigeria
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